Scammed in Varanasi

So, I have been the victim of my first scam on this trip
. And it was more than just a mere scam, it was genuine fraud. One of the few things I’ve wanted to buy for a while and that I know is hard to find is some sort of medallion or penant with my favourite from the Hindu pantheon: Ganesh.

In on of Varanasi’s myriad alleyways I suddenly came across one vendor who had a reasonable compromise

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. It wasn’t that great and not quite what I wanted, but it was Ganesh and he could hang from my neck

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The asking price of 200 rupees (about 4 US dollars) made it clear that no precious metals were involved, even though the chain was a bit bling
. The pendant lay slightly heavy in my hand and the vendor knocked it and rubbed it and assured me that it was brass and wouldn’t go black even after many years of wear.
Not entirely convinced that this was what I was looking for – I had no idea of knowing whether the brass claim was true – I was ready to walk away. As I did so, the price immediately came down a bit, but there seemed to be no room for further haggling. A renewed effort at leaving, cut the price a bit further, and after going back and forth for a while, I got it down to 120, without the aforementioned bling chain.

Walking happily away with my Ganesh dangling at the end of a black piece of string, I felt something reminiscent of the corner of plastic packaging on the back of the god-head. Applying the last of my nail, it turned out not to be plastic, but the very “brass” itself that came peeling away. Under that shiny, golden layer of tin foil was a lump of indistinct dark metal.

Disappointment was instantaneous, but short-lived. I had after all gotten my pendant. The loss, such as it was, was only about two dollars, and as long as I don’t rub it too vigourously, my Ganesh will shine from the hollow at the bottom of my neck for quite a while yet 🙂


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